A Young Girl Is Surprised By A Cop In Line Behind Her And Runs Off, But Something Amazing Happens
6 Days ago
Donut Holes
It is a no-brainer that children always have a knack for sweets. It seems as if wherever they go, all they can think about is how to satisfy that craving. And Brooke was no exception to this. She had been thinking about donut holes the entire day, and so she reckoned that with the little money she had on her, it may be enough to buy some.
It was late in August of 2017 that time, and so with the little money she had, she decided she was going to go to Sheetz gas station between Meridian Road and Route 68. It was close to where she lived, so she got her mom to drive her to the store. However, when she got there, she had not expected things to happen the way they did.