Stories By Chenne M
What This Single Mom Did When She Won $188 Million Will Make You Fall Off Of Your Seat
July 3, 2023Winning in a lottery takes a shot out of 14 million chances. In much simpler terms,...
Ominous Warning From 1700s Uncovered On A Beach In France
July 2, 2023A day at the beach is meant to relax and rejuvenate, a small escape from the...
Millionaire Pretends To Be Homeless To Find The Heir To His Fortune
July 2, 2023John had his whole life laid out for him from a young age, his father had...
This Man Got Harassed In the Airport for the Most Ridiculous Reason
July 2, 2023Airplanes definitely have made traveling faster but it also is a more stressful traveling experience. There...
After Losing His Wife In Childbirth, Man Breaks Down When He Sees The Note She Left
July 2, 2023What was meant to be the happiest day in one family’s life turned into a nightmare...
Neighbors Blocked Her Driveway with a Boulder – She Uses Geology to Get Back at Them
July 2, 2023We can choose the house we live in but we can never choose our neighbors. Some...
Do You Have Acne-Prone Skin? You May Be Using the Wrong Skin Care Products!
July 2, 2023Adult acne is pretty common for people over the age of 25 and there is no...
This Woman’s Marriage Ended When She Picked Up a Stranger’s Bag in the Subway
July 2, 2023What if you were drowning in debt and you suddenly find yourself with a bag full...
Bus Driver Asks Little Girl To Stay Behind – When Dad Looks At Her He Realizes Why
July 2, 2023With his nine-year-old daughter receiving warning after warning from school, Phillip was desperate to do something....
Principal Refuses To Give High School Diploma To Marine Because Of His Uniform
July 2, 2023He was only ten years old when Jacob Dalton proudly exclaimed to his mother how he...