Top 10 Celebrities Who Flipped Out On Paparazzi Photographers
6 Days ago
5 Kanye West
Kanye West is not a stranger to controversy. Kanye West, a rapper and fashion designer, has been involved in numerous altercations over the years with paparazzi members. Many of these have resulted in court dates or freak outs. The most famous altercation between Kanye and the paparazzi was in 2013, when he physically attacked Daniel Ramoz, a photographer living near Los Angeles’ LAX airport.
Kanye approached Daniel shouting “Kanye! Why can’t you talk to me?” This resulted in Kanye launching at Kanye and damaging his camera. Kanye was sued by Daniel for battery, assault and negligence and interference with civil rights. Kayne later apologized to Daniel, and even took a picture with Gloria Allred, Daniel’s lawyer.