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Top 10 Cross-Gender Acting on TV and Movies

8 Tom Hanks in Bosom Buddies (1980-1982)

Does anyone here still remembers Bosom Buddies from the 1960s? Tom Hanks was famous for his cross-dressing comedy. Hanks’ first TV credit was an appearance on The Love Boat, which was before the show’s debut in 1980. Hanks was paired with Peter Scolari and made a risky idea into a beloved sitcom. Cross-dressing was an accidental success.

Robert Boyett, Thomas Miller, and Robert Boyett were the ones who pitched the idea to the network. The male spin was to air on Laverne & Shirley. They cited Billy Wilder as an influence, who was the man behind Some Like It Hot. They loved it, and remembering Jack Lemmon’s drag and Tony Curtis in it, they went along with it. Miller and Boyett embraced the idea, even though it wasn’t their original intent.

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