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Top 10 Most Searched People on Google 2020

8 Ghislaine Maxwell

Ghislaine Maxwell was the British socialite and daughter of Robert Maxwell. She lived a prominent life. According to reports, the young English lady dated Jaffrey for a short time. It is not known when Jaffrey joined the sexual racket that captures young girls and presents them to Jaffrey pleasures.

Maria Farmer, victim of sexual abuse in Maxwell’s bedroom. Maxwell was also present. Jaffrey’s life was painted by the first woman to report to FBI. Virginia was a victim state assorted three times by Jaffrey, along with Prince Andrew in London and New York. In 2019, the evil man was arrested and committed suicide in prison. Jaffrey was smartly released after her arrest. However, the recently arrested victims are relieved. She became one of the most sought-after people on Google after this incident.

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